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New FASTSEL in GstarCAD 2022

In GstarCAD 2022, the fast select command FASTSEL allows selecting all the objects that touch the selected object, including lines, polylines, circles, arcs, attribute definitions, text, Mtext, ellipses, and images. And FSMODE command controls two different behaviors of the FASTSEL command.

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Innovative DIMTOFFSET in GstarCAD 2022

In GstarCAD 2022, if the space above the arrows is not enough for dimension text when you place the dimension below or right the objects, the text will be placed downward. In this case, you can use two values of the system variable DIMTOFFSET to set two kinds of gap styles between the arrows and text, one is the same as AutoCAD, another reduces the gap.

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Innovative CHANGEBASE in GstarCAD 2022

In GstarCAD 2022, the CHANGEBASE command allows changing the base point position of a block. You can move the base point and keep objects staying in original position, or move objects and keep base point staying in original position.

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Innovative LAYULKALL in GstarCAD 2022

In GstarCAD 2022, you can select LAYULKALL command to unlock all the locked layers immediately, instead of unlocking them one by one.

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New ACET Interfaces in GstarCAD 2022

There are 351 ACET (AutoCAD Express Tools) interfaces supported in GstarCAD 2022. Now, more AutoCAD Express Tools and ‘Plug-in’ functionalities developed with these interfaces can be operated properly.

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Innovative LAYDRAWORDER in GstarCAD 2022

The LAYDRAWORDER feature allows rearranging the layers in GstarCAD 2022. You are able to select one or more layers, and bring them to front or send them to back with buttons in ‘Layer Draw Order’ window. You can also change the order of the layers in ‘Layers to Adjust Draw Order’ list conveniently.

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New Single-document Mode in GstarCAD 2022

In GstarCAD 2022, you can enable single-document mode by setting SDI (Single Document Interface) system variable to 1, and then only one drawing is allowed to be open at a time.

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GstarCAD 2022 Overview

In GstarCAD 2022, the plot functionalities are significantly improved, making plotting effects more precise and accurate. An upgraded raster engine has been integrated and enables more image formats, even 1 billion pixels images can be correctly attached, previewed, modified and plotted. Beyond, GstarCAD 2022 offers a plethora of other new and improved tools to help maximize your productivity.

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Draw Grids in GstarCAD Architecture 2021

Draw Grids in GstarCAD Architecture 2021

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GstarCAD Architecture 2021 Overview

GstarCAD Architecture uses associative and parametric building components to create construction plan drawings based on custom object technologies. 2D drawings and 3D models are generated synchronously to satisfy not only the demand of construction drawing but also the 3D visualization of building.

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