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Knowing more about dynamic block editor

2018-06-12 2128 GstarCAD  

You use the Block Editor to define and modify the objects and behavior in a block definition. In the Block Editor, you add parameters and actions, which define custom properties and dynamic behavior.

Dynamic Block Editor Tool Panels:

You can uses the tools at Panels to define, edit and modify dynamic block definitions , makes it very convenient and fast.

Manage: Save or Save as the default block; Create or edit another block.

Tool: Define, edit or update the block attribute.

Parameter: You can add parameters for Dynamic Blocks on this panel.

Action: You can add actions for Dynamic Blocks on this panel.

Parameter Sets: You can add the parameter set on this panel.

Visibility: This panel is specially used for Visibility editing.

Close: It is used to exit the Block Editor. Before exiting, some commands like save or open etc. might not work.

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