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Houseplan Update Package now available

Date: 2023-10-17 2841 Tag:

Houseplan provides powerful modeling tools and real-time rendering ability that help modelers work on a variety of 3D tasks. Were glad to announce that the Houseplan update package is now available. 

Top Houseplan Updates You Can’t Miss  

Houseplan has rolled out new updates to allow users to design in a simpler way and with greater efficiency.

Imperial Units are supported in Houseplan

The new update package supports imperial units (feet, inches) and users can choose to work in imperial units or metric units.

Open multiple .cpi files at once

Instead of opening .cpi files one by one, the Houseplan update package allows users to open multiple .cpi files at once. 

Rescale your DWG Underlay

The scale of imported DWG drawings may be too large or too small, but once updated, Houseplan allows users to modify the scale of imported DWG drawings by selecting an appropriate unit of measurement. 

The latest enhancements in Houseplan 

Faster Autosave

Time for automatic saving has been greatly reduced, improving design efficiency.

Better compatibility

Compatibility is the highlight of this new update, and one of the improvements is with .skp formats in terms of export and import.

Improved Export Feature

The enhancement in the Export feature allows users to set the origin of the model to the center of its bounding box or anywhere specified. 

Better user experience for Windows account users

Windows account Users with no administrative permissions can also open the software without being asked to input a password. 

Explore more about the update and Get it now!

You can download the latest update by visiting

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us:



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